Monday, February 29, 2016

Kunark Opens Wed!!!

The Ruins of Kunark goes live on Phinny this Wed.  I am maxxed XP into 50, but I do have two raids coming up in which to lose some xp.  :)

My plans are to XP hard when I can.  My guild is hardcore about raiding, too fucking hardcore.  They want me to get 2 levels a week and do 3 raids a week, and key seb, hs, and vp.  40+ hours a week.

Bunch of lifeless 20 somethings is all I can imagine.

Anyway, assuming I manage to keep up somehow, I'm looking forward to some of it.  Most loot in Kunark does nothing for me.  No monk class armor(don't bring up crescent armor).

In my 72 hours of raiding, I've got 2 items of note to show for it, the Gauntlets of Fiery Might and the Runed Bolster Belt.  A handful of crap items such as Golden Efreeti GreavesTreasure Hunter's SatchelDarkwood Trunk, Whitened Treant Fists.

So, is it worth it to keep raiding?  One thought is to skip the VP key, and just not go to those raids.  Do Trak/other dragons/vs etc.

Guild help with Epics is a non-starter too.  My epic is a significant DPS boost.  I could always pay Krono for another guild to help me I guess.  See how pathetic that sounds?

Friday, February 26, 2016

Level 50 now....The Hole beckons

Dinging to 50 was great.  Now I'm pushing to max my XP bar so I can ding 51 once Kunark drops next week.

The Hole is always a great place to do this at.

Notable camps include Jail, Pit, Sword, Stables, Docks and Undead.

There are plenty of less known camps, including at the tunnel to Undead, on the live side.(no name for this one)  Another one is up some stairs from there, a huge temple with lots to pull.  I often see a group pulling between Docks and Stables.  This is not a problem as long as no group is running 2-3 chanters.  if they are, mobs become scarce.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Good news! Xp to be increased

Of course, it happens as I am approaching 50, but I'm glad.  It will add longevity to the server.  Especially from those at max level waiting for raids and reluctant to level an alt.

I'm still plodding along, but I did put a decent XP group together on Saturday, and made about 35% in 2 hours(with XP potions).  That's decent.  its the difference between having some 50's who want to max out their bar, vs some low 40's with no raid gear.  Also, having a good enchanter is critical, and a good healer to keep the chanter alive when things go south.

Edit:  It was about a 25% increase

Friday, February 5, 2016

Cazic Thule..God of Fear..we fear you not..

<the broken wave> totally pwned CT.

We went in and did a pre-clear before the raid, so once raid force arrived, we had maybe 1/3rd of trash left and golems(and 2 dracoliches).  Finished up in about 2 hours and on to dragons.

We're getting pretty good at this.  Only issue really is PoSky has some really badass mobs, that are sometimes tough to kill with 40-45 raiders.  I look forward to growing our guild so we can have more like 50-60.