Let me briefly discuss the zone. Its loaded with frogloks. Those same filthy frogloks I never got tired of slaughtering in Upper and Lower Guk. Same froaks. Ugly nasty little bastages.
Remember him? Before we could even visit Sebillis, we had to kill some trash in Trakanon's Teeth.
Anyway, there's lots of camps in Seb. Most popular camp seems to be Juggs. High level spells drop here, and some nice items. King is very popular because he has a Fungi Tunic drop. Lots of mobs there.
Then there's Disco. Disco is only good to 55 really. Juggs will take ya to 60.
Many people think that's it. Seb has just those 3.
There's also Crypt, which requires a rogue. Lots of good loot, plenty to kill. Buggs. Some loot, lots to kill.
Jail(Ibis) and Jail(upper).
Plenty to kill. Its a big zone. Don't see 30 people and say "crap, we can't xp here". There's a camp, go find it.