Thursday, April 27, 2017

Pre-Launch guild getting srs bsns

I joined a prelaunch guild named Zurdula.  It was like..focused for guys, so more my speed then the poopsocking raiding guilds I wish I was still 22 to play in.

I made a lot of informative forum posts, and shared some spreadsheets I made about each class, and they asked me to their information officer.  That sounds serious.  I haven't had a leadership role in a guild since <War Without End>, and boy did that one suck.

I've been updating my spreadsheets as much as possible, and trying to figure out what I want to do on the new server when it drops.

My new goal is to sell banded within 3 hours of server up.  I know I can do it.  Issues I am facing:  Class and race choice.  Still can't decide.

I mean, selling banded is going to be and profitable for a few days or a week at most.  So, what do I do the other 83 days of classic?  The point of that sentence is that I don't really need to make a class/race choice based on selling banded.

I'll probably have time for one character, so I want to be one that is fun to play and not sucking at any eras of Agnarr, especially PoP.

My thoughts are "Not Paladin, Not Rogue" as a start.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Agnarr Live on May 24th!

Here we go!

May 24th is go time!  I speculate server will go up sometime after Lunch PST, or about 3PM CST.

I'll take off the 24th and 25th.  I have off that coming Monday too.

My class choice is still up in the air.  I feel like I know all the classes, so I don't really need to research.

I understand SK and Enchanter have PITA epics.  Those are both classes I'm considering.