Monday, January 11, 2016

Planar Level

Ever since the end of double xp, leveling has been tough.  XP goes sooo slowly.  Its no longer possible to gain a full level in one sitting.  With a high DPS group (2 necs and a chanter all charming specs for DPS), doing non-stop pulls in OOT goblins, I was getting one yellow every hour at 44.  So 5 hours a level.  Its even slower post 44, and with more normal DPS.

It does help me stay focused on just one character.  I obviously won't have time to level any other chars.

I just dinged 46 after a long day at OOT Goblins on Sunday.  My entire family was sick, so I played EQ in between nursemaiding everyone.  Do you know how fucking hard it is to pull while burping one baby with another on your lap waiting for her bottle?

Pull, feign, assist, deal with babies, mob hits 30%, go pull, rinse repeat for 7 hours, DING.  I did give up about 25% of my DPS by not mashing Dragon Punch and Flying Kick, but whatevs.  I was still #1 DPS, so suck it Paladin and Rogue and Bard and Enchanter and Cleric.(see why it was slow xp?  No real DPS, just me)

I'm hoping to push hard to 47 so I have a nice fat xp margin for dying in the planes.

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