Monday, December 21, 2015

Had my first contested camp

So, I was trying to get a group going, and I figured, hey, let's solo a Gaz Squire in Upper Guk camp while waiting.

I did for about a half hour, and got a Collar of Undead Protection.  Almost a BIS.  Then some group comes along and sits at my camp while I'm pulling.  I show up at my camp with 2 mobs, and feign, since I only want one, and they engage it.  Then they accuse me of training them.

Now, I'm a monk, and I know how to pull, which means I know how to train.  I could bring 50 mobs easilly.  Many would be grey because that area is just meh, but I digress.  What do I do?  I say "Go ahead, have the camp." and I move on.  Why?  Because I'm not going to take content from a lower level group who wants it.  Even if they were being douchebags a bit in /say. "Needs of the many" and all that.

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